Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My newest endorsed program. Anyone can achieve 10k monthly for an investment that a child could afford. http://ping.fm/jj3vR
An amazing program with exceptionally fast return and great benefits... Almost like a dream job. http://bit.ly/QdSbs
If I were to give you a 7 night free vacation anywhere in the world, would you accept it? http://bit.ly/QdSbs

JJ Fraser to Welcome Michael W. Wyrosdick at CarbonCopyPRO Marketing Event - Free-Press-Release.com

JJ Fraser to Welcome Michael W. Wyrosdick at CarbonCopyPRO Marketing Event - Free-Press-Release.com
Life is a gift, so we must treat it as a present. Be thankful everyday and enjoy it's magnificent beauty.

Monday, October 26, 2009

This is how I am creating massive additions to my media groups and downlines for free. http://bit.ly/nwQtp
Free video interview that teaches how to easily dominate Google PPC with Adwords. http://bit.ly/O7vpC
Your never alone or on your own with this community of successful entrepreneurs. http://bit.ly/12UiST
New weightloss MLM that has "1 week results" and is all natural, is exploding... Already at 4 figures weekly. http://bit.ly/3BtBpr
Free 7 Day Boot Camp That Teaches You How To Sponsor Hundreds Of New Prospects... http://bit.ly/2m0PNj I'm Averaging Over 100 A Day!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

With all the passon and desire in the world, it will never work without action. ACTION is the key. http://ping.fm/kw00r
Too much internet pooh nowadays... A system that actually works and is endorsed by the 2012 presidential candidate. http://ping.fm/Tg6IZ

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Find helpful resources on mindset, marketing, and making millions on my blog. http://ping.fm/86ees
Funny how following a leader, creates a leader. After all, you are what you make yourself believe. http://ping.fm/w3TlJ

What You Think - Is What You Become

It amazes me how many people spend their lives practicing becoming a failure. They then get angry because they never get success and they justify their failure by telling themselves that there is something wrong with them or luck is against them. This is totally untrue as the reason that they fail is not because there is anything wrong with them it is because that some failure is the start of the process of achieving success.****Successful people do not give up when they reach an obstacle they carry on trying until they overcome it. They take a step back and learn where they went wrong and change the process. There are no problems that cannot be overcome you just have to have the mindset to find the answer. Mistakes and failures are mere stepping stones to success and you should embrace them because they will make you a better person.

A famous Chinese saying is “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

Your journey should start with changing your mindset. You need to set yourself goals even if at first you can only manage to change one thing it will improve your life and make you more determined to change something bigger.Can you honestly say that you are happy with every aspect of your life? You are the only person that can change your life and until you make that conscious decision then your life will go on exactly as it is now. Do you want to be where you are now in a years time or do you want a better life for yourself and your family?

Do not let negative thoughts into your mind practice telling yourself each day “I am an intelligent and successful person and I am having fun building a successful future for myself and my family” Try repeating this 100 times to yourself each day and you will be amazed at how quickly your mindset will change and positive energy will then start flooding into your life. There are many self help books, Cd’s, DVDs’s etc on the market today but none will help you unless you decide to help yourself first. an alcoholic cannot be helped until they admit that they have a problem and need help, a drug addict cannot be helped until they decide that they need help, A negative person is the same until they realise that failure is not their fault and they have the desire to change, no one can help them. Make a choice today and change your future you will be surprised at how easy it is when you have faith in your abilities. If you need any help with finding a book or course to help you change you life, contact me. Take your first step towards a better and more rewarding future: http://www.michaelwwyrosdick.com
Today, a new day begins. Don't harp on yesterday and don't worry about tomorrow. Live for today. Live for the moment.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

View my articles - Free-Press-Release.com

View my articles - Free-Press-Release.com

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How To Reprogram Your Mind For Wealth

I'm sure you've heard it said that you must "reprogram your mind" to become wealthy and successful. What most of these people don't tell you is how. Well, today I'm going to teach you to do exactly that. It's quite simple but, for most, extremely difficult to figure out. It may seem a little harsh at first, but it's definitely appropriate. Here goes:

First: Mentally imagine that you have $1,000,000 in cold cash, in your sock drawer.
Second: Close your eyes and picture yourself waking up in the morning with one question on
your mind: What am I going to do today?
Third: Decide, for yourself, whether you are going to go out and have a spontaneous day or
continue to lie in bed and do nothing.
Fourth: Ask yourself this question: Can I do nothing and still be ok?
Fifth: What will I do with my freedom?

By now you have an idea that time and money are not an issue to you anymore. Why? Because you have plenty of both and you are completely free and able to choose your plans and your schedule. Or do you? Now we are starting to get somewhere. Most people that have a million dollars know that, in today's market, it won't last long by doing nothing all day. Sure, it creates freedom and a lavish lifestyle, but how long will it last? This is where wealth education comes into play. Stay with me here...

"The rich get richer and the poor get poorer." This old saying is one that has always held true. Why is this? The wealthy don't sit around and do nothing all day. In fact, they are generally the most active people. Poor people, do however, generally sit around all day and take no action, therefore they remain poor. Starting to make sense now?

If change is inevitable, which it is, then your lifestyle will be a roller coaster whether you like it or not. Now think, why not change for the better and become a millionaire? But how, you ask? Again, it starts with your mind. 95% of successful, wealthy individuals are geared towards giving back to the community. What this means for you is this: you don't have to design or develop an exceptional new product to become wealthy, you simply have to focus your sights on something greater than yourself. Create a solution to a problem.

Think of it like this, If my problem was needing to develop a plan to get out of debt, a solution would be providing knowledge and support to help me achieve just that. Sounds really simple, huh? It is! Most companies and individuals alike are transforming the lives of others; a greater cause than themselves; and in turn transforming their own lives. It's not rocket science, but most are unaware of the strategies that make the rich, rich, and keep the rich, rich.

My prerogative is just as simple. I strive to encourage people to take action, to create a passion, and to transform their lives. I certainly do not focus on myself first. I'm not in to the "get rich quick" schemes. I believe that helping others achieve and creating a solid foundation creates ultimate, long-term wealth. Remember, it's all in your head... You can be anything you want to be and you are the only one that can stop you.

For more information about me and my wealth creation opportunity, please visit my website: www.michaelwwyrosdick.com
Feel free to contact my staff with any questions at: info@michaelwyrosdick.com

Enjoying A Lavish Lifestyle Isn't Easily Created

Most people look at celebrities and famous icons as the ones who created lavish lifestyles and raked in the big bucks overnight with very little or no effort...

Not True!

Each and every person worked hard and had serious motivation and determination that they would achieve and succeed at their goals. I know this because I used to be one of them...

You must first create the mindset that enables you to block out all negativity from friends and family; the ones that surround you; and start thinking big, really big! For most, this is the hardest task but it is also the most important. If you can't get beyond living for someone else's cause, you will never be able to live for your own.

If I can change my mindset and become successful, well, I say anyone else can the same. You have to be passionate and want it bad enough. The one thing my parents always taught me, growing up, was "if you want it bad enough, you will figure out a way to get it." I'm not talking about theft, I'm talking about serious due diligence and creativity.

Every product and program in the world was created and marketed this exact way, most of them by one person and their dream of success. Believe in yourself and the world will believe in you. As it stands in our current state of economy, working for huge corporations and retiring with a decent monthly income, no longer exists. Today's generation, and for every future generation, must create their own future security. No one else is going to do it for you or simply give you anything. Now is the time to act. Don't end up like so many baby boomers out there, with nothing to show for their years of hard work.

I invite you to join the community of successful millionaires, just as I have, and develop the mindset that it takes to secure your future. I personally look forward to helping you create the lifestyle that most people have only ever dreamed of.

Michael W Wyrosdick

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

How To Put Your Income On Steroids

Are you one of those people that doesn't make what you'd like to make? You wish that one day, an amazing opportunity and riches will just fall in your lap. Are you the one that thinks if you spend $20 a week on lottery tickets, one day you'll hit big for millions of dollars? 99% of people wait a lifetime for something to happen and end up with absolutely nothing! The other 1% take action and create their wealth instead of waiting for it to happen by itself.

Let me give you a little piece of advise: rich people always get richer because they develop the mindset that too much is never enough. Poor people get poorer because they are afraid of the consequences and take NO action!

Lets just say, hypothetically, that you won the lottery, a whopping 2 million. With never having had this much dough before, How would you spend it? How long do you really think it would last you? Statistics show that most people who win the lotto are dead broke after on two years... Why? Because they didn't know how to properly manage it.

If you want to make millions of dollars, it can happen. But, you need an education that teaches you how to manage it and a coach to take you to that level. That's where I come in...

I can provide the tools, resources, education, and support to create a millionaire out of you in as little as 1 year. Wow! Really? Is it possible? YES!

Allow me to assist you with a dose of educational steroids and you will be headed in the direction that most will never see.

Visit my site and contact me if you have any questions: http://www.michaelwwyrosdick.com

Michael W Wyrosdick
Email: ccpro.mike@gmail.com

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Michael W Wyrosdick Scheduled To Appear At Master Marketing Event On Nov. 19 At The Paris Hotel & Casino In Las Vegas

Michael W Wyrosdick Scheduled To Appear At Master Marketing Event On Nov. 19 At The Paris Hotel & Casino In Las Vegas

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Thinking Of Becoming An Entrepreneur - Here Are Some Things You Should Know

Entrepreneur, What is the definition?

An entrepreneur is a person who has possession of an enterprise, or venture, and assumes significant accountability for the inherent risks and the outcome. It is an ambitious leader who combines land, labor, and capital to often create and market new goods or services. Business entrepreneurs are viewed as fundamentally important in the capitalistic society.
In other words; an entrepreneur is a freelance self-employed, self-empowered person on a mission to create and market goods or services; very much like owning a brick and mortar business.

Today's society is booming with more and more entrepreneurs that have ideas and are taking action to create results. While large corporations often put their names on a product and place it in the retail marketplace for customers to purchase, each product or service is generally created and designed by one person, an entrepreneur.

In an age where unemployment rates skyrocket, more and more people seek entrepreneurship in the work from home marketing industry. There are an enormous amount of opportunities posted on the web from all over the world.

Some Important Facts To Consider When Seeking To Become An Entrepreneur:

1) Do your own investigation and google the opportunity by name or representative.
2) Learn about the founders and leaders and be certain they are legitimate.
3) Make sure that training, support, and coaching are consistently available.
4) Make sure your leader is a mentor willing to help you every step of the way.
5) Be 100% certain that your investment is more towards the education and not the product.
6) Have professional coaches to assist you in starting your home based business.
7) If your selecting to embark with an already existent platform and model the success, be sure
that the platform has generated success for people like you. You should always model the
success that you want duplicate, nothing less.

For more information subscribe to my blog for daily posts or visit my website at:

Monday, September 21, 2009

Have You Ever Asked Yourself These Questions? I certainly have...

Do I want to be rich?
Yes, I want to be rich.
Do I really want financial freedom?
Yes, i would love to have financial freedom.
Do I want a better life for me and my family?
Yes, i want a better happier life.
Do I want to be somebody in the near future?
I want to be almighty in the near future.
Am I willing to sacrifice to achieve success?
I want to give my all to achieve success.
Do I support myself or only others?
I can achieve success. I support myself enough.
Am I easily influenced or self-motivated?
I can handle myself. I can stay afloat.
Am I ready to set sail?
I am willing to try to achieve and maintain.
Can I act? Or Act like I can Act?
I want to act until I achieve.

These are all great questions for any person who wants a better life, financial freedom, and success. Have you ever asked yourself any of these questions?

If you have, you're fooling yourself!

There is NO ACTION in any of these responses! You must develop a mental attitude that anything your mind can think of WILL be done!

Start thinking, catch yourself, stop yourself, replace yourself, reinvent yourself.
I will have a better, happier life.
I will have financial freedom.
I will be somebody.
I will give my all to achieve success.
I will not try, I will ACT until I succeed.

I will not fail. I cannot fail if my dreams are to become a reality and this is my purpose. My life and my career are traveling down the path that I created. I am at the wheel. I control the gas and the brakes. I must decide in every minute, whether I must stop or go. I am in control of my every action.

My actions are free to me but will cost me everything.

Today I choose to act. 100% of my heart goes into achieving my own glory. I will not fail. I will succeed. I will become wealthy and I will help others achieve the same success.

Michael W Wyrosdick

Excitement Sells, Products Do Not!

Have you ever watch Billy Mays on a late night infomercial? Did you purchase the product based only the PRODUCT? Not many do...

It's the excitement and the energy that sells. Instead of pitching the product itself, he pitches what the product does, and in great excitement, I might add. The most powerful business development resource on the planet consists of energy.

Think about that lonely, mild-faced person at the jiffy store early one morning. You've stopped for coffee and upon approaching the counter, you jump up with an exquisite glow, smiling from ear to ear and say, Good Morning My Dear Friend, How Are You? How do think, that once mild-faced person, would respond? Exactly...

If you're excited, you excite everyone around you. Products don't simply sell themselves. Some folks might tell you they do, but I'm here to tell you, they are wrong. It's the person, and only the person that makes the sale. People don't want to be sold, but they love to buy. If your excitement touches only one person, it turns in to a chain reaction. Very similar to mindset - If you associate with negative people, your mindset with become just as negative; If you associate with positive people, your mindset will become just as positive...

Excitement is only one "rule of thumb" but an important one.

Subscribe to my blog and receive my daily posts with more information...

Michael W Wyrosdick

I Create My Life or Life Created Me?

This is the ultimate question...

The wealthy believe that they created their life, while the poor believe that life created them.

Ever heard that old saying: "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer?"

Why is that? It's simple really, most people just don't see what's right in front of them. It's your attitude. Your mindset. Your actions.

See, if you have an idea and you don't take action because you believe you can't fulfill the idea or it won't be a success because you don't know how to do it, then you stay stagnent. However, if you have an idea and you firmly believe you can and will figure out how to make it work and utilize every available resource to make it a success, well now your thinking like the wealthy.

All success only requires one key ingredient> ACTION! But before you can actively move forward, your mindset must be programmed to believe that you can't and won't fail.

How do I change my mindset, you ask? Associate with positive and motivated people, no negativity! This will change your attitude from pessimist to optimist really quick. Then the mindset just follows right behind. Before you know it, your on a rock solid path to achieving your goals.

Sounds too easy, huh? My professional advise is to mentor with someone that you want to be like. Subscribe to my blog and receive my daily posts and start surrounding yourself with positive, successful people. After all, you are your own result!

Michael W Wyrosdick

More & More Entrepreneurs Keep Popping Up

In today's vast world of economy change and struggling job markets, more and more people are being forced to be creative when it comes to employment and ultimately securing their futures.

Just a few short years ago, it seemed everyone was on the topic of: get a good education, get hired by a big corporation with great benefits, and live happily ever after. Though today, with the big corporations in a financial crunch, the topic for most is becoming self employed with a home-based business.

Home-based businesses are at an all-time high and being created by people of all ages, from young to senior citizens. It seems that one's creativity is not developed until their back is against the wall. Is this you? Are you at the point in your life that says your security has been breached?

There are many opportunities listed on the web. Some are legitimate and very easy to start and others are more complex that take massive amounts of time before you see results. Allow me to welcome you into my creativity...

An opportunity that far surpasses all other out there. I have a full support team and a fully loaded virtual office that allows me to make money, legitimately, from anywhere all the time, 24/7. How you ask? A community of successful, motivated entrepreneurs that were willing to teach me and assist me create the same results they had. Now, it's my turn to give back and help others that desire the same thing I once did. You don't always have to think of the idea yourself. The most effective road to achieving success is by "modeling". The person that has everything you want; do the exact same thing that they did and 99% of the time, you get the same results.

Visit my world and take a sneak peak into a secure future for YOU and not a struggling corporation's promise. http://www.michaelwwyrosdick.com

Michael W Wyrosdick

Friday, September 18, 2009

Process of Manifestation

T = F = A == R
(T)ravel (F) (A) (R)
Wealth Principle:
(T)houghts Lead To (F)eelings.
(F)eelings Lead To (A)ctions.
(A)ctions Lead To (R)esults.
This is your "Financial Blueprint".
Use this formula to attain the most uncommon result.
Michael W Wyrosdick

Too Many Days At A Time...

There are two days in each week, about which, we should not worry. Two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.

One of these days is yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, faults and blunders, aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever and is now beyond our control. All the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed. We cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone!

The other day we should not worry about is tomorrow, with its possible adversities and burdens, its large promise and poor performance. Tomorrow is beyond our immediate control. Tomorrows sun will rise, whether in splendor or behind a mask of clouds. Until it does, we have no stake in tomorrow, for it is yet unborn.

This leaves only one day of importance... Today!

Any man can fight the battles of just one day. It is when you add the burdens of two awful enemies - yesterday and tomorrow, that you break down.

It's not necessarily the experience of today that disturbs one's peace of mind. It is oftentimes the bitterness for something which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring. Let us, therefore, live one day at a time...

Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift, that's why we call it the present.

Michael W Wyrosdick

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Beware of Imposters - "Internet Junk & Get Rich Quick"

Lets get something straight right off the bat. $300,000 per year is not rich! Comfortable for some, Yes. Wealth for others, No!
I have investigated many of these "get rich quick" schemes only to learn that they have no presence of a profile, website, background, contact number or email, etc. Don't be fooled by people trying to take your money and promise you the "world of riches".
There are however, a small few, legitimate businesses and persons that are positively aimed at exposing and providing a career and/or opportunity that has blessed them with an enormous yearly profit and more time with their family.
The most effective way for me to know these individuals when i see them is by searching for their profiles online. I happen to be affiliated with a direct marketing company called CarbonCopyPRO which is a community of successful entrepreneurs with the same passionate goal, to help other people achieve the same results as those before us.
I personally have many public profiles that reveal my background and my status in the personal and business worlds. This is the key to securing followers without skepticism.
Remember, there are a lot of "fly-by-nights" out there in the virtual world and seek to only take your hard earned money for their benefit. If you are seeking an online or home-based business opportunity, I encourage you to visit my site. Feel free to explore my profiles and, by all means, contact me direct if you feel it necessary.
I hope this helps give you all an insight of what to beware of on the Internet.

Michael W Wyrosdick

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Michael W Wyrosdick and CarbonCopyPRO

As of joining CarbonCopyPRO in mid-2009, I have learned that the system is absolutely the most powerful marketing system in the world. The founders Jay Kubassek and Aaron Parkinson are amazing individuals with a life-driven purpose.

The philosophy of helping others achieve their goals and lifestyle dreams was the sure attraction for me. My thermostat is boiling hot at this point. I am motivated and fired up ready to increase my success and positively impact the lives of others. My career has led me to two of the greatest leaders and mentors that are definitely worth following in today's crazy economy.

I have always been a true believer in "modelling". No, not walking down the runway sporting a new showcase of clothing. I'm talking about; find a person that has exactly what you desire. Whether it be knowledge, wealth, creativity, or even a fancy car... Model them. Do everything they have done, step by step, and you are 99% sure to have the exact same result. That extra 1% are those that have the wrong mindset when they start. No business plan. No action plan.

CarbonCopyPRO is exactly what it says; carbon copy. It's modeling. It's as simple as taking what Jay and Aaron have already done and copying it. No wonder all of their followers have the same results. Now that's amazing!

I am greatly excited and well on my way to the top... Thanks to Jay and Aaron!

Michael W Wyrosdick

Social Powerhouse

Here we are approaching 2010...

And the internet has evolved into a social powerhouse. It doesn't seen like that long ago when we were all trying to figure out what the internet was and if it was safe. Today, more than a billion people daily use myspace, twitter, facebook, and youtube as their connection to the world. Just think, you can type a message or upload a video and within a fraction of a second, poof, the whole world is reading or viewing it. Amazing!

Most people are doing internet marketing right from their laptops and mobile phones and don't even realize it. It becomes a habit, a way of life. The difference between most is their not profiting from their social interaction on the web. Imagine if you could continue your usual, daily, routine and profit at the same time. Believe it or not, it happens everyday. When your updating your status or uploading a video, people are there. What's the one thing all sales requires? People! Spread the word, showcase yourself, and people follow.

The greatest social interaction is a positive one. When positivity flows from your fingertips, everyone listens. When negativity lows, few are believers. Remember, a life of optimism is a life of self-created success. A life of success is a life of self-created wealth.

Visit my website for daily motivational posts and explore the marketing opportunity available. I look forward to you joining my team of successful entrepreneurs.

Michael W Wyrosdick

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Keep Critics In Perspective

In any business or job, there is constructive critism, and then there is destructive ctritism. Here's how to assess both types:

1) First of all, consider the source. Should this person's opinion even matter to you?
2) If it does matter to you, take a few minutes to consider whether anything helpful can result from the criticism.
3) Critics serve their purpose. Sometimes they serve a larger purpose, and sometimes they serve their own purpose.
4) Everyone has their own opinion. In most cases, It's not worth the paper it's written on.
5) If it is worth the paper it's written on, and it's written in a paper or article that people are buying and reading, then realize that if people didn't find you interesting enough for public consumption, they wouldn't be taking the time to criticize you.
6) Think of their criticism as a compliment, proof of your significance.

Remember, most people who criticise are taking a lot of their time and focus to do so. Enjoy it!