Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Keep Critics In Perspective

In any business or job, there is constructive critism, and then there is destructive ctritism. Here's how to assess both types:

1) First of all, consider the source. Should this person's opinion even matter to you?
2) If it does matter to you, take a few minutes to consider whether anything helpful can result from the criticism.
3) Critics serve their purpose. Sometimes they serve a larger purpose, and sometimes they serve their own purpose.
4) Everyone has their own opinion. In most cases, It's not worth the paper it's written on.
5) If it is worth the paper it's written on, and it's written in a paper or article that people are buying and reading, then realize that if people didn't find you interesting enough for public consumption, they wouldn't be taking the time to criticize you.
6) Think of their criticism as a compliment, proof of your significance.

Remember, most people who criticise are taking a lot of their time and focus to do so. Enjoy it!

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